Sports, Fitness And Physique Photography
February 1, 2014
K enny is obviously no stranger to the entire world of bodybuilding. In fact, at this event, he placed in both the physique competitions as well as the bodybuilding competition. He is also the founder and owner of FitNFaithful, a clothing line that celebrates fitness and faith, which can be seen here.
Robert and Kate
May 23, 2014
This dance team has been working together for several years. I had the unique opportunity to do some artistic shots with two very precision people - so why not set them in the middle of the barren desert to only emphasize their fluidity.
Mark, Physique Session
January 13, 2014
I met Mark through the gym, and we got to talking about physique training and my photography, and we worked out a casual session. He had never been in front of a camera before, so he was very uncertain how the pictures would turn out. I assured him he would do great, but if he were unhappy, the session would be good practice for his competition anyway. As you can see, Mark's ready for the limelight of the stage.
February 1 2014
Mel is such a true-heart; she also needed, for herself, to delve into and compete in her first physique competition... because it was there. She wished to capture these moments of her months of hard work to know that she has the power within her to confront a goal (and fear) and conquer it.