Sports, Fitness And Physique Photography
February 19, 2014
WAI is obviously no stranger to the entire world of physique training. His next step is physique modeling, and he needed his first "modeling" shots. When we met, he was amazed that some of his inspiration photos were from my own portfolio. I told him he has already done the hard part — and together the both of us could take it from here!
January, 2015
JULIANNE is making the big move to the fitness modeling capital of the world, Las Vegas. She needed headshots and bodyshots as well as fitness shots to promote her as a viable product spokesperson. With her friend Tyler beside her (seen below) together they make quite a fit pair suitable for any sports package.
January, 2015
TYLER accompanied Julianne (above) to the photoshoot then showed interest in needing his own shots. His move to Vegas is not as immediate, but he felt he should get the shots anyway, to have more of a portfolio when his time comes. Very quickly, Tyler showed he also has what it takes to be a viable physique/sports model.
February, 2014
ADAM did not know if he "had what it takes" to be a fitness / physique / fashion model, but he wanted to hire me to do a short test session. Not only is he a gentle, kind, humble local, but I think (and the website fans agree) he will do very well in the field. A complete natural and I look forward to working with him in the future.