Sports, Fitness & Physique
July, 2014
Mitch called one day, sure I would not be able to fit him in. He had come into town for the IFBB qualifying competition, and had very limited time between check in, spray tan, sleep and showtime. But having been there before, with many other competitors, we got him in, done and out stress-free - and completely pleased with the results.
July, 2014
This photo shoot was supposed to be a multi-person shoot with many of the Las Vegas Chippendale dancers, but as the turn of events went, when things fell apart, Ryan and I got a chance to do a one-on-one. One of the best guys around, with one of the best male physiques around. Love this guy.
January 3, 2011
Des showed up on my first day of professional shooting - after I had flown the coop from my corporate gig, and we have been friends ever since. He knew my work and always needed shots of his own, so he was happy to get my budding business off the ground. These shots were the first I shot in my "new" studio and helped him establish his modeling career as well.